Consulting For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback))

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Men and women from all walks of life with all manner of experience and expectations have reasons for becoming independent consultants. Some are leveraging their knowledge to help their clients, and others are simply tired of working for someone else. Still others are looking for a way to make some extra money. The new model for modern-day business calls for skilled workers who can be brought into an organization on short notice, fix a problem, and then move on to another organization in need. Consulting For Dummies hits home with both new and experienced consultants, and consultants-to-be. New consultants and aspiring consultants can find everything that they need to know to be successful and as widely sought as their wildest imaginings. Experienced consultants can enjoy reason to shift their perspectives and take a fresh look at their philosophies and techniques – what’s working for them and what’s not. Whether you're a novice or a practiced professional, this indispensable guide can help you Figure out the value you can bring to clients Promote your skills and services Put together proposals that yield results and returns Build productive relationships with your customers Do the kind of job that makes it easy to ask for testimonials and referrals To be a successful consultant, you have to develop a variety of key skills. Consulting For Dummies walks you through ways to build a thriving consultant practice, including the business of Making the most of your research and reporting time Communicating confidently and completely via different media Negotiating and drafting contracts Holding client meetings and giving presentations Billing for your services and paying your bills Using the latest technology to your advantage Consultants – especially ones who are just learning the ropes – are often at a loss as to what they need to do and when they need to do it. Featuring advice gathered from interviews with consultants in various fields and areas of expertise, Consulting For Dummies is your trusted friend in the business of being in business for yourself. - from Amzon 
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